₿itcoin ⚡️ Lightning IRL examples
Payments to merchants with Bitcoin/LN in real life, Bitcoin is conquering the world
We always hear that stupid excuse “but you can’t pay anything with Bitcoin…”.
Many don't know but Bitcoin over Lightning Network is going to be everywhere. So you better start learning how to use it. These are just few examples with video, but there are many more out there that wasn’t captured on video.
Please send me more examples and I will add them to this list.
Let’s show to the whole world how Bitcoin and Lightning is working and make fiat and banks OBSOLETE.
First of all I would like you to browse all the videos posted in Paco de la India Vlog, during his journey around the world spending Bitcoin. Amazing experiences!
Do you run a business that accept BTC/LN ? You can promote it on BTCMap.org !
Here also you have a list of places for paying your bills with Bitcoin !
Pay with Bitcoin LNURL NFC cards/rings:
₿⚡️ Some beers at Satoshi's Place, UK
₿⚡️ BitKassa merchants now accept BTC/LN, The Netherlands
₿⚡️ Using BoltCard CoinCorner, UK
₿⚡️ Some beers at BTC Conference, The Netherlands
₿⚡️ Kid pays his beverage with BoltCard, UK
₿⚡️ The Bolt Ring
₿⚡️ Pay with Bolt Ring, UK
₿⚡️ Food truck BTC Conference, The Netherlands
₿⚡️ Buying fruits with sats, Brazil
₿⚡️ Costa Coffee, Gibraltar, UK
₿⚡️ The Gibraltar Bakery, UK
₿⚡️ Grocery store, Jericoacoara, Brazil
₿⚡️ CBase Bar, Berlin, Germany
₿⚡️ Pacman Arcade game with sats (Bitcoin Switch, LNbits, Zeus)
₿⚡️ Pay for peanuts machine, Denmark
Candles BeerTap LNURL examples:
₿⚡️ Adopting Bitcoin conference, El Salvador
₿⚡️ Bitcoin Bar, Berlin
₿⚡️ Lightning Hackday, Istanbul
₿⚡️ Freedom Forum, Oslo
₿⚡️ EMF Hacker camp, England
₿⚡️ BTCEvent22, Germany
₿⚡️ Hotel Princess Example A / Example B, Germany
₿⚡️ Bitcoin Conference Amsterdam, The Nethderlands
Offline LNURL PoS examples:
₿⚡️ Barbershop, Germany
₿⚡️ BurgerTruck, Germany
₿⚡️ Burger Station, Germany
₿⚡️ Mery Burger Station, Germany
₿⚡️ Selling natural products in the wild, Germany
₿⚡️ Cheese Dely with sats, Switzerland
₿⚡️ Bakery, Germany
“Brick & mortar” merchants accepting Bitcoin / LN:
₿⚡️ Pay a beer with LN Blixt wallet at BTC conference, FL. USA
₿⚡️ Pay for sandwiches, Switzerland
₿⚡️ Coffee machine with BTC LN
₿⚡️ Charge electric cars with LN, USA
₿⚡️ Buy a beer using Lightning Address, Belgium
₿⚡️ Telluride Farmers Market, CO. USA
₿⚡️ Pay with LN in McDonalds, Switzerland
₿⚡️ McDonalds Lugano, Switzerland
₿⚡️ Pay with LN in The Subway, Germany
₿⚡️ MyEspresso Cafe, Malaysia
₿⚡️ Which one is faster? LN or VISA?
₿⚡️ Shopping with sats in Popify store, Portugal
₿⚡️ Praça da bike-Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil
₿⚡️ Pay with BTC at FoodTruck, The Netherlands
₿⚡️ TukTuk Taxi, Guatemala
₿⚡️ Pay for ice cream with LNTipBot, Germany
₿⚡️ Perth Heat Baseball, Australia
₿⚡️ Breakfast at Kapucin Richmond, UK
₿⚡️ Groceries paid with Zeus at PicknPay, South Africa
₿⚡️ Kids buying groceries, South Africa
₿⚡️ Buy groceries, Arnhem - The Netherlands
₿⚡️ Tacos Fuego, Saigon - Vietnam
₿⚡️ Witsand grocery, South Africa
₿⚡️ PubKey NYC, USA
₿⚡️ Paying beers, Madrid, Spain
₿⚡️ Coffee Shop, Panajachel, Guatemala
₿⚡️ Onzas Café, Antigua, Guatemala
₿⚡️ Open Fruits & Veggies Market, Costa Rica
₿⚡️ Farmer's market Utiva, Costa Rica
₿⚡️ Pay with LN Subway sandwich, Berlin, Germany
₿⚡️ Corner Bistro & Burrito Squad, Chiang Mai, Thailand
₿⚡️ Darmstadt Stadion, Essen, Germany
₿⚡️ Hotel Princess - Lightning Jukebox, Sttutgart, Germany
₿⚡️ Satoshi Store, Munich, Austria
₿⚡️ Grocery store, Arnheim, The Netherlands
₿⚡️ Various merchants, Rolante, Brazil
₿⚡️ Coffee shop, Prague, Czech Rep.
₿⚡️ Restaurant, Finland
₿⚡️ Jersey Mike's Subs, Santa Rosa CA, USA
₿⚡️ Aurora Hotel, Budapest, Hungary
₿⚡️ Carrefour Express, Rouen, France
Paying online stuff with Bitcoin Lightning:
₿⚡️ Buy flight tickets online with LN - Future Travel, Vietnam
₿⚡️ Paywall service with LNbits and Alby on wordpress
₿⚡️ Join to Telegram private group paid with sats through LNTipBot
₿⚡️ Buy VPN with LN in few seconds
Bitcoin Ekasi (South Africa):
₿⚡️ Pay for groceries over SMS with LN
₿⚡️ Pay with BTC/LN wallet in a small shop
₿⚡️ More groceries paid with BTC/LN wallet
₿⚡️ Buying fruits with Bitcoin LN
₿⚡️ Pay groceries with feature phone
₿⚡️ Kids paying with BoltCards for groceries
Bitcoin Island Philippines
₿⚡️ Pay for lunch in a restaurant
₿⚡️ Pay for groceries in a shop
₿⚡️ Pay for a coffee with Zeus + Umbrel node
Brazil’s Bitcoin Beach
Building a Bitcoin Circular Economy
Bitcoin LN ATMs:
₿⚡️ Buy sats with coins from a LN-ATM, Colombia
₿⚡️ Future.Travel LN-ATM, Saigon Vietnam
If you appreciate DarthCoin work, you can send some satoshis to darthcoin@getalby.com or darthcoin@stacker.news or darthcoin.blink.sv
or using Cashu Address darthcoin@minibits.cash
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Hola, en colbitcoin.com puedes comprar con bitcoin y lightning.
Es una tienda nueva pero estamos trabajando para hacerla crecer.
Hello, very interesting content!
Do you need an Italian translation?