Hello DarthCoin! thanks for the guide! I have set up everything, however, mynewly created wallet on lnbits have not the balance of my ln umbrel node, and i cannot send from umbrel to lnbits, I get the error message saying that selfpayments are not allowed. Any help?

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Hi, you need to read more about how lndhub wallets work. Here you have another guide that describe in more detail https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/umbrel-lndhub-bluewallet

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Gracias, sigo leyendo entonces este nuevo enlace. Efectivamente, tengo que leer mas sobre como funcionan esas direciones... a la madriguera!

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Add this line in your lnd.conf: allow-circular-route=1 and restart your node. Then you would be able to send sats between your lndhub wallets created in LNbits

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